Insomnia Specialist

PeachState Psychiatric Services

Psychiatrist located in Atlanta, GA
Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other mental health conditions can cause insomnia. At the same time, if you have insomnia, you’re at a higher risk of developing a psychological disorder. Dr. Dwight A. Owens at Peachstate Psychiatric provides a variety of medical and therapeutic options that successfully treat insomnia so you can finally get a good night’s sleep. If you have any questions about how psychiatric techniques can help insomnia, call Peachstate Psychiatric Services or book an appointment online.

Insomnia Q & A

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that occurs when you have a hard time falling or staying asleep. You may wake up too early in the morning, wake up frequently during the night, or not get restorative sleep, all of which means you still feel tired after a night’s sleep.
Insomnia often causes depression or anxiety. You may also have a hard time concentrating or have lapses in memory.
Although everyone occasionally has a hard time sleeping, when you have insomnia, the symptoms persist for at least one to three months. It becomes a chronic problem when it lasts six months or longer.

What causes insomnia?

Most people know the cause of their insomnia and can identify the source as one of the following:

How does insomnia affect your mental health?

Insomnia can have such a significant impact on your behavior, emotions, and ability to function in everyday life, that it’s not just a medical diagnosis — it’s also a psychiatric disorder.
Although insomnia disorder can occur on its own, it’s closely associated with mental health disorders. In some cases, sleep problems are one of the first signs of a psychological disorder. On the other hand, insomnia can increase your risk of developing mental health problems.
Depression is a good example of the association between sleep and mental health. People with insomnia are four times more likely to become depressed, compared with people who sleep normally. Children and adults with depression have a hard time sleeping.

How is insomnia treated?

Several medications are used to treat insomnia, each with its own unique mechanism of action, so Dr. Owens discusses your options following your mental and physical assessment.
Beyond medication, one type of therapy — cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) — has consistently produced positive results. CBTI includes several possible techniques, such as ways to strengthen your bedroom environment as a cue to sleep (known as stimulus control), sleep consolidation training, and strategies for reducing worry, managing stress, and calming an active mind.
You don’t need to settle for sleep problems like insomnia. To learn more about therapeutic techniques to treat insomnia, call Peachstate Psychiatric Services or book an appointment online.



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